2024. 10. 18. 15:08ㆍ국내 기록
안녕하세요. 모모입니다!
Hello, It's Momo!
미국으로 떠났던 친구가 일 년 만에 한국에 왔어요.
A friend who left for th U.S. came to Korea for the first time in a year.
원 없이 회를 먹이려고 횟집에서 친구들과 모였답니다.
So I gathered with my friens at a raw fish restaurant to eat raw fish.
친구가 추천해준 팔팔막회&참치에 가서 고등어회를 먹었답니다.
I went to Palpal Makhoe&Tuna, recommended by a friend, and had Mackerel raw fish.
그 전에 저의 주차 실력 좀 보세요. 장난 아니죠? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Before that, look at my parking skills, Isn't it nice, right? LOL
팔팔막회&참치 : 운영 정보
Palpal makhoe&Tuna : Operational Information
팔팔막회&참치(Palpal makwoe&Tuna)
충북 청주시 서원구 두꺼비로30번길 10(10, Dukkeobi-ro 30beon-gil, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do)
월-토(MON-SAT) 16:00~01:00
매주 일요일 정기 휴무(Closed every Sunday)
HOMEPAGE : https://palmakhoetuna.modoo.at/
📌 방문일(Visit day) : 2024.10.14.월요일(MON)
📌 메뉴(Menu) : 활고등어, 숙성 막회(Live mackerel raw fish, Aged raw fish)
가게 전용 주차장은 없어서 갓길에 주차해야 하다는 점 참고해 주세요.
Please note that there is no dedicated parking lot for the store, so you must park on the shoulder.
팔팔막회&참치 : 메뉴
Palpal Makhoe&Tuna : Menu
메뉴가 정말 다양해요. 오마카세도 있고, 활고등어 세트도 있어요.
The menu is really diverse. There is also Omakase and Live mackerel raw fish set.
저희는 고등어회를 전화로 예약해서 방문했는데, 세트인지 단품인지 잘 모르겠어요.
We made a reservation for mackerel raw fish over the phone, so I'm not sure if it's a set or a single dish.
팔팔막회&참치 : 활고등어, 숙성 막회
Palpal Makhoe&Tuna : Live Meckerel raw fish, Aged raw fish
첫 기본 세팅으로 주신 스끼다시에요.
This is the side dish that was given as the first basic setting.
이때까지는 몰랐어요. 오마카세처럼 스끼다시가 계속 나올 줄은 .....
I didn't know until then. I never thought side dish would keep coming out like Omakase.....
타코와사비, 새우장, 김밥, 조갯국 등 다른 횟집보다 다양하게 많이 나와요.
They offer more variety than other raw fish festaurants, including Taco Wasabi, Soy Sauce Marinated Shrimp, Gimbap, and Clam Soup.
특히 새우장이 안 짜고 맛있었어요.
Especially, the soy sauce marinated shrimp was not salth and delicious.
스끼다시만 봐도 맛집이라는 걸 인정했답니다.
Just by eating Side dish, I recognized that it was a good restaurant.
대망의 고등어회!
The long-awaited mackerel raw fish!
사실 바닷가가 없는 청주에서는 고등어회를 먹기 힘들었는데, 기술이 좋아졌는지 고등어회를 먹을 수 있어서 너무 기뻐요.
Actually, it was difficult to eat Mackerel raw fish in Cheongju, whrer there is no beach, but I am so glad that I was able to eat Mackerel raw fish thanks to improved technology.
고등어가 예민해서 금방 죽어버린다고 알고 있거든요.
I know that mackerel is sensitive and dies quickly.
이 가게를 소개해준 친구의 말대로 비린 맛이 전혀 없고, 고소하고 신선했어요!
Just as the friend who introduced me to this restaurant said, there was no fishy taste at all, and it was savory and fresh!
같이 주신 양파 절임이랑 같이 먹는 것도, 김에 싸 먹는 것도 아주 맛있었어요!!!
Eating it with the pickled onions that came with it, and wrapping it in seawed was very delicious!!!
고등어회로 조금 아쉬워서 막회도 주문했어요.
I was a little disappointed with just eating the mackere raw fish, so I also ordered Aged raw fish.
그냥 회만 나오는 줄 알았는데, 초고추장에 비벼 먹는 메뉴였어요.
I thought it was just came to only raw fish, but it was a dish mixed with chogochujang.
처음에는 회만 조금 건져 먹다가, 나중에 초고추장을 넣어서 비벼 먹었어요.
At first, I just ate some raw fish, and later I mixed it with Chogochujang and ate it.
회덮밥 느낌도 나고, 새콤하고 매콤해서 맛있어요.
It is like Raw fish bibimbap, and is aour, spicy so it delicious.
그리고 계속 나오는 스끼다시.....
And the Side dish that keeps coming out.....
중요한 건 이 모든 음식들이 맛있었다는 거예요!
But the important thing is that all of these foods were delicious!
가라아게도 따뜻하고 맛있었고, 크림 파스타도 해산물 향이 진해서 맛있고요.
The Karaage was warm and delicious, and the cream pasta was also delicious with a strong seafood flavor.
전어 초밥, 조개찜, 생성 무조림, 새우튀김까지!
Gizzard gizzard sushi, steamed clams, braised radish, and even fried sh
친구한테 '이제 진짜 더 안나오는 거지??'라고 물어볼 정도였어요.
I even asked my friedn, 'It's really not coming out anymore, right?'
신랑도 오면 좋아할 것 같아서 다음에는 신랑도 데리고 와야겠어요.
I think my husband will like it too, so next time I'll bring him too.
청주 고등어회 맛집으로 인정합니다! ㅎㅎ
I recognize as a delicious Mackerel raw fish restaurant in Cheongju! lol
❤️ 지금까지 팔팔막회&참치 후기였습니다! ❤️
❤️ This was the review of Palpal Makhoe&Tuna so far! ❤️