2024. 10. 8. 13:31ㆍ국내 기록
안녕하세요. 모모입니다!
Hello, It's Momo!
아빠랑 남편이랑 셋이 술을 마시러 분평동에 있는 옛날 감성의 '토박이'에 다녀왔어요.
My father, husband and I went to the '토박이' in Bunpyeong-dong for a drink.
충북 청주시 서원구 분평로 36, 2층(2nd floor, 36 Bunpyeong-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do)
월-토(Mon-Sat) 17:00~24:00
📌 방문일(Visit day) : 2024.09.14. 토요일(Sat)
📌 메뉴(Menu) : 모듬전(Assorted Pancake), 오징어볶음(Stir-fried Squid)
옛날에 대학생 때 한 번 가보고 처음인데, 그 사이에 사장님이 바뀌신 것 같아요.
It's my once time going here when I was a college student, but I think the owner has changed in the meantime.
아빠도 자주 오는 곳이라고 해서 기대가 됐어요.
I was looking forward to it because my dad also said that it's a place he comes to often.
토박이 : 메뉴(Menu)
메뉴는 전골류, 전류, 찜/볶음/무침류가 있고, 그 외에도 마른 안주나 라면도 있어요.
The menu includes hot pot, jeon(korea pancake), steamed/stir-fried/seasoned dishes, and there are also dry snacks and ramen.
저희는 저녁을 안 먹고 가서 오징어볶음과 모듬전을 시켰어요.
We ordered Stir-fried Squid and Assorted Pancake because we went without dinner.
저는 약 때문에 술을 못 마셔서 식혜를 주문했고, 아빠랑 남편은 주전자 막걸리를 주문했어요.
I can't drink alcohol due to medication, so I ordered Sikhye(Sweet rice punch), and my dad and husband ordered kettle makgeolli.
주전자 막걸리는 가덕 막걸리에요!
Kettle Makgeolli is Gadeok Makgeolli.
토박이 : 모듬전(Assorted Pancake), 오징어볶음(Stir-fried Squid)
밑반찬이 가정집처럼 나와요!!
The side dishes come out jusk like at home!!
어른들이 이 가게를 좋아하는 이유를 알 것 같아요.
I think I know why adults like this store.
밑반찬이 다섯 가지나 나오고, 계란찜도 줍니다.
fice side dishes are provided, and steamed egg is also provided.
심지어 다 맛있어요!
It's even all delicious!
오징어볶음도 양이 꽤 많아요.
The amount of stir-fried squid is also quite large.
밥도 주문했는데 흑미밥이에요!
I ordered rice, and it was black rice!
오징어도 질기지 않고 부드럽고, 너무 맵지 않아서 맛있었어요.
The squid was not tough, but soft, and it wasn't too spicy, so it was delicious.
딱 술안주하기에도 좋고, 밥반찬으로 먹기에도 좋아요.
It's perfect as a side dish with alcohol, and it's also good as a side dish for rice.
모듬전도 다 직접 만드신대요.
She said she make all the Assorted pancake herselfs.
완전 막걸리랑 같이 먹고 싶은데 술을 마시지 못해서 아쉬웠어요.
I really wanted to eat it with makgeolli, but I was disappointed that I couldn't drink it.
군만두, 깻잎전, 동그랑땡, 꼬지 등 종류도 다양하고, 다 맛있었어요.
There were many different types of Pan-fried Dumpling, Pan-fried Battered Perilla Leaves, Meat Fritters, and they were all delicious.
저는 술을 못 마셔서 식혜를 마셨고, 아빠와 남편은 주전자 막걸리를 마셨어요.
I can't drink alcohol, so I drank sikhye, and my dad and husband drank makgeolli from a kettle.
살얼음이 동동 떠서 보기만 해도 시원했어요 ! ㅋㅋ
It was cool just to look at the thin ice floating around! lol
밑반찬도 메인 메뉴도 다 맛있어서 다음에도 부모님이랑 같이 가고 싶은 곳이에요.
The side dished and main menu are all delicious, so this is a place I want to go sith my parents next time.
비 오는 날에 운치 있게 막걸리 한잔하고 싶을 때 생각날 것 같은 곳이라 추천합니다!
I recommend this place because it's a place you'll think of when you want to have tasteful glass of makgeolli on a rainy day!
❤️지금까지 토박이 후기였습니다!❤️
❤️This was a review of 토박이 so far!❤️