충북 청주 10월 축제 청원생명축제 낙화놀이 후기 Cheongju October Festival, Chungcheongbuk-do Cheongwon Life Festival Fireworks(Nakhwa) Review

2024. 10. 3. 00:30국내 기록




안녕하세요. 모모입니다!

Hello, It's Momo!


청주에 산다면 적어도 한 번은 들어봤을 그 축제!

If you live in Cheongju, you've probably heard of this festival at least once!


바로 청원생명축제에 드디어 다녀왔어요.

I finally went to the Cheongwon Life Festival.





✔️ 방문일(Visit day) : 2024.09.28.토요일(Sat)






청원생명축제는 9월 27일부터 10월 6일까지 미래지농촌테마공원에서 진행되요.

The Cheongwon Life Festival will be held at Miraeji Rural Theme Park from September 27th to October 6th.


오창에서 잠깐 살아봤는데 미래지농촌테마공원이 있다는 것도 몰랐네요.

I lived in Ochang for a short time, but I didn't even know there was a Miraeji Rural Theme Park.


출처 : 청원생명축제 홈페이지



주차장은 제6주차장까지 운영되고 있고, 셔틀버스는 제6주차장에서만 운행합니다.

The Parking lot operates up to Parking lot 6, and shuttle buses only operate at Parking lot 6.


저희도 주차장을 이용하려고 했는데, 주차장에 자리가 없어서 길가에 주차했어요.

We also tried to use the parking lot, but there were no spaces in the parking lot, so we parked on the street.



저희가 방문한 날 저녁에 낙화놀이가 있어서 늦은 시간이었음에도 차와 사람이 정말 많았어요.

There was a Nakhwa festival on the evening we visited, so even though it was late, there were a lot of cars and people.



출처 : 청원생명축제 홈페이지


축제 이용 요금은 5,000원이에요.

The festival fee is 5,000 won.


입장권은 축제장 안에서 현금처럼 사용할 수 있어요.

Admission tickets can be used like cash inside the festival site.


제가 방문한 시간이 5시 20분인데, 6시부터 무료입장이라 고민하다가 어짜피 현금처럼 이용할 수 있다고 해서 그냥 입장권을 구매했어요.

I visited at 5:20, and admission was free from 6:00. So I was debating whether to wait and go in, but since they said I could use it like cash anyway, I just bought the ticket.


무료입장 대상자(Those eligible for free admission)
: 65세 이상, 어린이 및 청소년(65 years or older, children and teenagers)
: 임산부(Pregnant woman)
: 다자녀 가족(Multi-child family)
: 1~3급 등록장애인(보호자 1인 포함)(Grades 1 to 3 registered disabled persons(including 1 guardian))
: 국민 기초생활수급자(Mational basic livelihood recipients)
: 국가유공자 또는 하사 이하의 현역군인(Person of national merit or active duty soldier below sergeant)
: 단체관람객 가이드, 버스기사, 인솔교수(Group tour guide, bus driver, instructor)
※ 관련 증명 소지자에 한함(Limited to those holding relevant certificates)


무료 입장 대상자는 관련 증명서를 지참하여 방문해야 합니다.

Those eligible for free admission must bring relevant certificates when visiting.


공적인 증명서나 신분증을 지참해주세요!

Please bring your official certificate or ID!



본 입장권으로 축제 기간 동안 문의문화재단지와 청주동물원에 무료로 입장할 수 있고, 청남대도 2,000원 할인받을 수 있어요.

With this ticket, you can enter 'Muni Cultural Heritage Complex' and 'Cheongju Zoo' for free during the festival period, and you can also get a 2,000 won discount on 'Cheongnamdae'.


출처 : 청원생명축제 홈페이지


저희는 제 1게이트 매표소에서 발권했어요.

We purchased our tickets at the ticket booth ad Gate 1.



입장권을 보여주고 입장하니 푸드트럭이 가장 먼저 보였어요.

When I showed my ticket and entered, I saw the food truck first.


푸드트럭과 체험 부스들이 줄지어 있었는데, 대부분 어린아이들이 좋아할 법한 것들이라 저희는 구경만 하고 체험은 안 했어요.

There was a line of food trucks and experience booths, and most of them were things that young children would like, so we just looked around and didn't experience them.


'청원생명다리'를 건너 '생명농업관'에 갔어요.

I crossed the Cheongwon Life Bridge and went to the Life Agricultural Hall.


식물관 같은 느낌으로 예쁘게 꾸며져 있어서, 사진을 찍는 사람들이 많았어요.

It was decorated beautifully like a botanical pavilion, so there were many people taking pictures.


그래서 좀 붐비고 길이 막히기도 했어요.

So is was a bit crowded and there was 


제일 신기하고 예뻤던 건 다육식물이에요.

The most intersting and pretty thing was cucculents.


다육이들로 그림을 그려놓은 게 너무 귀엽지 않나요?

Isn't it so cute to draw a picture with succulents?


그리고 접목 식물도 정말 신기했어요.

And the grafting plants were also really fascinating.


한 뿌리에서 파프리카랑 고추가 같이 자란다니!

Isn't it amazing the paprika and peppers grow together from the same root?



'생명농업관'을 나와서 '농특산물 판매장' 쪽으로 걸어갔어요.

I left the Life Agricultural Hall and walked towards the Agricultural specialty product sales center.


먹거리 존이 있었는데 저는 안 가봤고, 축산물 판매장 쪽에 가니 시식회가 있어서 하나씩 받았어요.

There was a food zone, but I didn't go there, and wwhen I went to the livestock product sales area, there was a tasting event , so We got one each.


맛은 그냥그랬어요. ㅋㅋ

The taste was just So-So. lol



입장권 2개로 뭘 살까 고민하다가 잡곡밥을 해 먹으려고 '혼합 16곡'이 하나에 5천 원이길래 2개를 샀어요.

I was wondering what to buy with two admission tickets, and since I wanted to make mixed grain rice, I saw that the 'mixed 16 grains' were 5,000 won each, so I bought two.


입장권을 현금처럼 사용할 수 있으니까 방문객들도 좋고, 참여자들에게도 좋은 것 같아요.

I think it's good for cisitors and participants because the admisson ticket can be used like cash.



낙화놀이를 구경하기 위해 메인 무대로 돌아갔어요.

We went back to the main stage to watch to Nakhwa.


저는 잘 모르는 분이었는데 신랑이 유명한 분이라고 하더라고요.

I didn't know him well, but he said the husband was a famous person.


노래를 정말 절절하게 잘 부르더라고요!

He sang so well!


끝까지 감상하고 낙화놀이를 구경하기 전에 미리 자리를 잡기 위해 푸드트럭이 있는 곳으로 갔어요.

After watching it all the way to t he end, I went to a place where there was a food truck to get a sent in advance before watching the Nakhwa.



낙화놀이를 구경하기 위해 정말 많은 사람들이 개천 주변으로 모였어요.

So many people gathered around the stream to watch the Nakhwa.


7시 반에 시작이라 저희는 7시부터 기다렸어요.

It started at 7:30, so we waited from 7:00.


7시 반부터 풍물놀이랑 연설 등 이것저것 하면서 길어졌어요.

Starting at 7:30, it went on for a long time, with various things like playing pungmul and giving speeches.


애초에 7시 반에 딱 맞춰 시작할 거라고 생각은 안 했는데, 사회자가 자꾸 이제 막 시작할 것처럼 멘트를 해서 짜증이 좀 났어요.

I didn't think it would start exactly at 7:30 in the first place, but I was a little annoyed because the host kept saying things as if it was about to start.



7시 50분 정도가 되어서야 시작했어요.

It didn't start until about 7:50.


바로 낙화를 시작하지 않고, 불꽃놀이를 했어요.

Right away, Nakhwa didn't start, but fireworks were set off.


그리고 그 다음에 양쪽에서 불을 붙였고, 천천히 불이 붙었어요.

And then I lit it on both sides, and it slowly caught fire.


완전히 불이 다 붙기까지는 5~7분 정도 걸렸어요.

It took about 5 to 7 minutes for the fire to completely ignite.



바람이 부니까 불꽃이 이리저리 휘날려 더 예쁘고 아름다웠어요!

It was prettier and more beautiful because the wind blew the flame here and there!


기다리는 게 너무 힘들었는데, 다리가 아픈 것도 잊을 정도로 행복해졌어요!!

It was so hard to wait, but I became so happy that I forgot that my legs hurt!!


어느 정도 낙화놀이를 본 뒤에 사람들이 많이 빠졌는데, 사실 낙화놀이는 이제부터 시작이었어요.

After watching Nakhwa to some extent, a lot of people fell out, but in fact, Nakhwa started from now on.



3~5분에 한 번씩 낙화를 털었어요.

They shook off the flame every 3 to 5 minutes. 


더 화려하고 예뻐서 환호성이 절로 나왔어요!

It was more colorful and prettier, so I couldn't help but cheer!


정말 예뻤어요!

It was so so pretty!

낙화놀이는 9월 29일에 한 번밖에 하지 않았지만, 청원생명축제에 볼거리와 먹을거리가 많고 입장권도 현금처럼 사용할 수 있으니 아이들을 델고 가기에도 좋을 것 같아요.

It only played with Nakhwa once on September 29th, but I think it would be a good place to take the kids because there are a lot of things to see and eat at the Cheongwon Life Festival, and admission tickets can be used like cash.


물론 부모님을 모시고 가기에도 좋답니다!

Of course, it's also great to take your parents with you!




❤지금까지 청원생명축제 후기였습니다!❤

❤ This was a review of the Cheongwon Life Festival so far! ❤


