구미 곱창전골집 <김태주 선산 곱창> Gopchang jeongol restaurant in Gumi <Kim Taeju Seonsan Gopchang>

2024. 5. 14. 12:59국내 기록



안녕하세요. 모모입니다!

신랑이 친구들 만나러 구미에 다녀오는 길에 구미에 유명한 양념곱창전골 맛집이 있다면서 김태주선산곱창에서 곱창전골을 포장해 왔어요. ㅎㅎ
Hello, I'm MOMO!

On my way to Gumi to meet my friends, husband said that there is a famous restaurant in Gumi with seasoned gopchang jeongol, so I packed gopchang jeongol to "Kim Tae-ju's Seonsan Gopchang". 
김태주선산곱창 구미본점 Kim Tae-ju Sunsan Gopchang Gumi Headquarters

경북 구미시 송원서로 77
77, Songwon-seo, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do


매일 every day 08:00~22:30

Open 365 days a year



체인점이라서 본점 외에도 꽤 많은 지점이 있는데 신랑은 아마도 본점에서 사 온 것 같아요.

It's a chain store, so there are quite a few other branches besides the headquarters, and I think the husband probably bought it from the headquarters.


포장은 비닐봉지에 담겨서 주시는데 비주얼이 썩 좋지는 않답니다. ㅎㅎ;;
The packaging is in a plastic bag. The visual is not good. 

김치는 따로 먹는 건가 했는데 전골에 같이 넣어 먹는 거라고 하더라고요.

I was wondering if I should eat kimchi separately, but I heard that I should put it in the hot pot together.

양념곱창전골 가격이 1인분이 9,000원이라 2인분을 주문해도 18,000원이라 저렴한 편이에요.
The price of seasoned gopchang jeongol is 9,000 won per person, so even if you order 2 portions, it's 18,000 won, so it's cheap.

양이 적은 것도 아니라 가성비가 아주 좋아요.

It's not a small amount, but it's very cost-effective.


다 끓인 비주얼은 뭔가 엄청 맛이 없어 보이네요..
The visuals that are all boiled look really bad..

김치가 들어가서 고소하고 눅진한 김치찌개 느낌?

It has kimchi in it, so it's savory and spicy. It's like kimchi stew.

가게에서 먹으면 더 맛있을 것 같은데 집에서 끓여서 조금 아쉬운 느낌 ㅠㅠ

I think it would be better if I ate it at the store, but I feel a little sad because I cooked it at home

그래도 맛있게 먹었답니다. :)

But I still enjoyed the meal. :)


